
ECHO release the DTT-2100.

The ECHO DTT-2100 T-shaped Grass Trimmer is designed for professionals who work in sensitive areas, like parks, hospitals, car parks, offices and near people. The tool was built as a result of the success of ECHO Rotary Scissors PRS-231 attachment. ECHO wanted to bring the advantages of this attachment to a single, highly versatile and efficient tool. Combining the safety and peace of mind of no thrown objects or risk of damage with the low noise and 0 emissions of cordless means ECHO has created the ultimate tool for avoiding disruption to the environment or people. There's nothing else quite like it!

If you work in spaces that require extra care in terms of not damaging surroundings or bothering people, this could be the ideal tool for you.

Already used in Japan around hospitals, car parks, parks and public areas, the DTT-2100 is set to be released in Europe soon and is part of the 56 eFORCE range of ECHO products that all utilise the same battery system and are strictly for professionals.

Learn more about the product here.